highlights of iran

Scuba and Diving in Iran

While Iran may not be as well-known for diving as some other countries in the region, it has some beautiful underwater sites to explore.

diving kish scuba iran

Scuba and Diving in Iran

Iran’s largely unexplored underwater world offers a unique opportunity for divers and underwater enthusiasts. With its diverse marine life and clear waters, it’s becoming an increasingly attractive destination for those seeking new and exciting dive experiences

While Iran might not be a global diving hotspot, it offers unique underwater experiences in the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea. Here’s a guide to the main scuba and diving places in Iran:

Persian Gulf:

  • Kish Island: The diving hub of Iran, Kish boasts diverse marine life, coral reefs, and wrecks. Access to dives at varying depths, including beginner-friendly sites. Dive centers offer equipment rentals and courses.
  • Qeshm Island: Another excellent diving destination, Qeshm offers coral reefs, drop-offs, and a chance to encounter manta rays and whalesharks. Requires permits for certain areas.
  • Hengam Island: A smaller island near Qeshm known for its unique coral gardens and diverse fish life. Ideal for snorkeling and shallow dives.
  • Larak Island: Situated in the Strait of Hormuz, Larak boasts coral reefs, colorful fish, and interesting wrecks.Explore underwater canyons and caves.
  • Dayyer Island: This remote island, accessible only by liveaboard trips, offers pristine coral reefs and teeming marine life. Ideal for experienced divers.

Caspian Sea:

  • Anzali Wetland: Explore the unique freshwater lagoon system with its rich biodiversity. See sturgeons, seals,and diverse underwater vegetation. Snorkeling and scuba diving available.
  • Hyrcanian Forests: Take a dip in the crystal-clear waters of hidden lakes and waterfalls nestled within the lush forests. Ideal for snorkeling and shallow dives.

Getting There:

  • Kish and Qeshm Islands: Fly to Kish Island Airport or Kish Airfield directly. For Qeshm, fly to Bandar Abbas Airport and take a ferry.
  • Hengam Island: Accessible by boat from Qeshm Island.
  • Larak Island: Boats from Qeshm and Bandar Abbas.
  • Dayyer Island: Liveaboard trips from Bandar Abbas.
  • Anzali Wetland: Fly to Rasht Airport or take a train from Tehran.
  • Hyrcanian Forests: Depending on the specific location, fly to Rasht, Sari, or Babolsar airports.

Essential Tips:

  • Regulations: Obtain necessary permits for diving in protected areas. Respect local rules and regulations.
  • Dive Seasons: Best diving in the Persian Gulf is spring and autumn. Caspian Sea is suitable for warmer months.
  • Dive Centers: Book with reputable dive centers with experienced instructors and proper equipment.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Dress modestly, especially outside resorts and diving areas. Learn basic Farsi phrases.
  • Sustainability: Minimize your impact on the fragile marine environment. Avoid littering and follow responsible diving practices.

Remember: Iranian diving offers unique experiences for all levels. Explore vibrant coral reefs, encounter diverse marine life, and discover hidden underwater wonders. Be prepared for a cultural immersion alongside your aquatic adventures.

Bonus Tip: Combine your diving trip with visits to historical cities like Shiraz or Yazd to experience the rich cultural heritage of Iran.

When exploring the underwater wonders of Iran and surfacing hungry, dive right into these delicious local foods that will refuel your energy and tantalize your taste buds:


  • Mahi Ghorme Sabzi: A fragrant stew featuring fish simmered in a vibrant herb and spinach sauce, perfect with saffron rice.
  • Mirza Ghasemi: Smoked eggplant and garlic dip, usually served with fresh bread, a smoky and flavorful appetizer.
  • Chelo Torsh: White steamed rice served with crispy fried fish, a classic and satisfying dish.
  • Bandari Masgouf: Grilled whole trout marinated in saffron and lime, a specialty of the southern coastline.

Coastal Delicacies:

  • Gheimeh Narenji: Tangy and sweet stew with chicken or lamb simmered in orange sauce, a unique twist on a traditional dish.
  • Hamin: A hearty porridge made with wheat, lentils, and meat, packed with protein and warmth.
  • Baghali Polo Mahi: Fragrant rice cooked with broad beans and served with fried fish, a coastal favorite.
  • Dateh Palmovi: Sweet and sticky date paste, a natural energy booster, readily available on the coast.

Fresh and Light:

  • Sabzi Khordan: A platter of fresh herbs like mint, basil, and tarragon, often served with dips and flatbread.
  • Torshi: Pickled vegetables, offering a tangy and refreshing complement to heavier dishes.
  • Ash Reshte: A hearty soup with noodles, herbs, and lentils, perfect for a light lunch.
  • Fesenjan: Sweet and tangy pomegranate and walnut stew, a vegetarian option packed with flavor.

Don’t Miss:

  • Shirazi Salad: A refreshing mix of cucumber, tomato, onion, and herbs, dressed with vinegar and olive oil.
  • Doogh: A yogurt-based drink with mint and carbonation, a traditional refreshment.
  • Persian Tea: Steeped black tea served with sugar cubes, often enjoyed with sweets like baklava.

Pro Tips:

  • Ask for recommendations at local restaurants or dive centers.
  • Choose restaurants close to the coast for freshest seafood.
  • Be open to trying new dishes and flavors.
  • Don’t forget to enjoy the company and conversation with locals while sharing a meal.

With its diverse flavors and cultural influences, Iranian cuisine offers a delicious adventure. So, after exploring the underwater treasures, take a culinary dive into the local foods and discover a whole new layer of Iranian beauty!

Bonus Tip: Learn some basic Farsi phrases like “Khooshmase” (delicious) and “Nokosh Jan” (enjoy your meal) to impress your hosts and enhance your dining experience.

Scuba diving and exploring the underwater world in Iran can be an amazing experience, but it’s crucial to prioritize safety and health throughout your trip. Here are some key measures to keep in mind:

Pre-trip preparation:

  • Choose certified and reputable dive centers: Opt for PADI or SSI certified centers with experienced instructors and well-maintained equipment. Research online and read reviews before booking.
  • Health clearance: Get a medical check-up to ensure you’re fit for diving, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions.
  • Travel insurance: Purchase comprehensive travel insurance with coverage for diving activities and potential medical emergencies.
  • Visa and permits: Ensure you have the necessary visa for Iran and any required permits for diving in specific areas.
  • Dive training and certification: Make sure you have the appropriate level of dive certification for the planned dives. Consider additional training if needed.

During your dives:

  • Follow safety guidelines: Always listen to your dive instructors and stick to dive plans and safety protocols.Don’t exceed your diving limits or attempt anything beyond your experience level.
  • Buddy system: Dive with a buddy at all times and stay within sight of each other. Communicate clearly using hand signals or other agreed-upon methods.
  • Equipment checks: Thoroughly inspect your diving equipment before each dive, ensuring it’s functioning properly and in good condition. Rent from reliable sources or bring your own well-maintained gear.
  • Emergency procedures: Be familiar with emergency procedures and equipment like emergency ascent procedures and oxygen supply.
  • Respect the environment: Avoid touching marine life or disturbing the underwater ecosystem. Leave no trace and dispose of any waste responsibly.

Additional health considerations:

  • Drink plenty of water: Stay hydrated before, during, and after dives to avoid dehydration and potential decompression sickness.
  • Sun protection: Protect yourself from the sun with sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat, especially during surface intervals.
  • Decompression sickness awareness: Understand the risks of decompression sickness and ascend slowly according to dive tables or computer calculations.
  • Altitude sickness: If diving in high-altitude areas, be aware of the risks of altitude sickness and acclimatize properly before diving.
  • Local vaccinations and medications: Check with your doctor or travel clinic about recommended vaccinations and medications for travel to Iran.

Emergency preparedness:

  • Learn basic Farsi phrases: Being able to communicate basic needs and emergencies in Farsi can be helpful.
  • Emergency contact information: Carry contact information for the dive center, embassy, and your emergency contact person.
  • Emergency medical facilities: Research locations of nearby hospitals or diving decompression chambers in case of emergencies.


  • Safety is paramount: Don’t compromise your safety for any reason. Listen to your body, stay within your limits,and prioritize responsible diving practices.
  • Enjoy the experience: While prioritizing safety, don’t forget to relax and enjoy the beauty of the underwater world in Iran.

By following these safety and health measures, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable diving experience in Iran. Have a wonderful adventure exploring the vibrant aquatic life and underwater treasures of this unique country!

When planning your scuba diving adventures in Iran, knowing the right numbers can be crucial for a safe and enjoyable experience. Here are some important numbers to keep in mind:

Emergency Numbers:

  • 115: General Emergency Number
  • 118: Fire Department
  • 119: Police Department
  • 125: Ambulance

Diving and Hyperbaric Chamber Information:

  • Kish Hyperbaric Chamber: +98-7644476002 (Located on Kish Island, known for its diving opportunities)
  • Iranian Society of Diving Technology (ISDT): +98-2166077428 (Provides diving certifications and safety guidelines)
  • National Maritime Agency: +98-2133995888 (Responsible for maritime safety regulations)

Diving Regulations and Guidelines:

  • Minimum age for diving in Iran: 14 years old
  • Required certifications: Open Water Diver certification or equivalent from a recognized agency
  • Medical certification: May be required by dive centers and hyperbaric chambers.
  • Depth limits: Follow established dive table limits and avoid decompression sickness risks.
  • Marine Conservation: Avoid damaging coral reefs or disturbing marine life.

Useful Numbers:

  • Country code for Iran: +98
  • Currency conversion: Check current exchange rates for Iranian Rials (IRR)
  • Time zone: Iran Standard Time (IRST) is UTC+3:30
  • Emergency contact back home: Have the number readily available in case of need.

Additional Tips:

  • Download offline maps and translation apps: Internet access might be limited in some areas.
  • Bring appropriate diving gear: Consider renting equipment locally if needed.
  • Respect local customs and dress modestly: Be mindful of cultural sensitivities.
  • Purchase travel insurance: Cover potential medical emergencies and trip cancellations.
  • Learn basic Farsi phrases: Show respect and enhance communication with locals.

By keeping these important numbers and information in mind, you can ensure a safe and rewarding scuba diving experience in Iran. Remember, your well-being and enjoyment go hand-in-hand with responsible diving practices and cultural awareness.

Scuba diving and exploring the underwater world in Iran can be a fantastic experience, offering beautiful coral reefs, diverse marine life, and unique shipwrecks. However, before diving in (literally!), consider these aspects of money and costs you’ll encounter:


  • Iran uses the Iranian Rial (IRR) as its official currency. Cash is still king in many places, though debit cards and ATMs are becoming increasingly available in larger cities.

Costs for Scuba Diving:

  • Dive Courses: Open Water Diver Certification courses can range from around 30-40 million IRR ($550-$750 USD) depending on the location and operator. Advanced courses and PADI specialties will cost more.
  • Dive Packages: Many dive centers offer packages including multiple dives, equipment rental, instruction, and boat transportation. This can be a cost-effective option, starting around 5-10 million IRR ($90-$180 USD) per dive.
  • Equipment Rental: If you don’t want to bring your own gear, most centers offer rental equipment for wetsuits,tanks, regulators, BCD’s, and fins. Expect to pay around 1-2 million IRR ($18-$35 USD) per item per dive.
  • Marine Park Fees: Some dive sites, particularly protected areas, might require additional entry fees of around 1-2 million IRR ($18-$35 USD) per person.

Additional Costs:

  • Accommodation: Prices vary depending on location and comfort level. Budget guesthouses start around 500,000 IRR ($9 USD) per night, while mid-range hotels can cost 2-5 million IRR ($35-$90 USD).
  • Transportation: Taxis and buses are affordable, but consider renting a car for exploring further regions. Car rentals start around 2 million IRR ($35 USD) per day.
  • Food: Local cuisine is delicious and inexpensive. Expect to pay around 500,000-1 million IRR ($9-$18 USD) for a decent meal.
  • Visa: Visa requirements and fees vary depending on nationality. Check with your local Iranian embassy or consulate for details.

Tips for Saving Money:

  • Book in advance: Many dive centers offer discounts for booking online or during off-season periods.
  • Travel during shoulder seasons: Avoid peak tourist months (July-August) for better deals on flights and accommodation.
  • Eat local food: Skip expensive tourist restaurants and explore local markets and eateries for delicious and budget-friendly meals.
  • Use public transportation: Taxis and buses can be affordable, especially compared to car rentals. Consider exploring options like shared vans or local buses for longer distances.
  • Learn some Farsi: Basic phrases can go a long way in bargaining for goods and services.

General Costs:

  • Budget: You can manage a basic diving trip in Iran for around $30-$50 USD per day, excluding flights and diving course fees.
  • Mid-range: Expect to spend $50-$100 USD per day for mid-range accommodation, meals, and some activities,excluding diving expenses.
  • Luxury: Luxury hotels, fine dining, and private transportation can push your daily budget significantly higher,beyond $100 USD.

Remember: Prices can vary depending on location, season, and individual preferences. Plan your trip, choose your activities wisely, and research your preferred dive centers for accurate cost estimates.

Social Norms and Etiquette in Abadan: A Guide for Travelers

When diving in Iran, keeping in mind local customs and social etiquettes will enhance your experience and ensure respect for the people and culture. Here are some key pointers:

General Etiquette:

  • Dress modestly: While swimwear is acceptable underwater, dress conservatively on land. Opt for loose-fitting clothing that covers your arms and legs, especially in villages and smaller towns.
  • Physical contact: Public displays of affection are frowned upon, so avoid hugging or holding hands, even as friends, in public spaces.
  • Greetings: A handshake and a friendly “Salam” (hello) are appropriate greetings. Wait for women to initiate handshakes.
  • Photography: Always ask permission before taking photos of people, especially women and children. Avoid photographing religious sites or government buildings.
  • Respect locals: Be mindful of local customs and traditions. Learn basic Farsi phrases like “thank you” (tashakkor) and “please” (lotfan).

Scuba Diving Specifics:

  • Dive centers and guides: Choose reputable dive centers that employ certified guides familiar with local etiquette and regulations.
  • Respect marine life: Avoid touching or disturbing marine life. Follow responsible diving practices to minimize your impact on the underwater environment.
  • Dress code: Follow international diving attire guidelines but maintain modesty with a rashguard or covering over swimwear when interacting with locals on dive boats or at shops.
  • Gender separation: Some dive boats might segregate men and women for changing or showering. Be prepared and respectful of these arrangements.
  • Cultural sensitivity: Avoid discussing sensitive topics like politics or religion with your guides or fellow divers.Focus on enjoying the underwater beauty and cultural learning.

Additional Tips:

  • Tipping: While not mandatory, tipping dive guides and boat crew is appreciated for good service.
  • Gifts: Small gifts like souvenirs from your home country can be appreciated by locals, especially at villages near dive sites.
  • Learn Farsi: Basic phrases can go a long way in building rapport with locals and enriching your experience.
  • Relax and enjoy: Embrace the opportunity to connect with Iran’s vibrant culture and stunning underwater world while being mindful of local customs.

By following these etiquette tips, you can ensure a respectful and enjoyable scuba diving experience in Iran. Remember, cultural sensitivity and open-mindedness are key to appreciating the beauty and hospitality of this unique country.

Which are the most popular diving and scuba places and schools in Iran?

While Iran’s diving scene is still growing, there are some fantastic spots and schools attracting divers interested in exploring its unique underwater world. Here are some of the most popular options:

Diving Locations:

  • Kish Island: The “Pearl of the Persian Gulf,” Kish offers vibrant coral reefs, diverse marine life, and numerous wrecks, including the Greek Ship and the Russian Plane. Several reputable dive centers like Kish Deep Blue Divers and Kish Blue Water Divers operate here.
  • Qeshm Island: Known for its colorful coral reefs, dugongs, and manta rays, Qeshm provides excellent diving experiences. Check out Nemo Divers or Coral Garden Diving Center for guided dives.
  • Hormuz Island: This colorful island boasts vibrant coral formations, unique marine life, and historical remnants like the Portuguese Fort. Hormuz Eco Dive and Hormoz Blue Divers offer guided exploration.
  • Chabahar Coast: The Makran Coast near Chabahar boasts pristine coral reefs, diverse fish species, and potential for dolphin encounters. Dive centers like Makran Sea Divers and Baloch Dive Center are available.

Diving Schools:

  • Dolphin Club (Kish Island): One of the oldest and most established diving schools in Iran, offering PADI and SSI certifications and a range of diving trips.
  • Blue Pearl Dive Center (Kish Island): Renowned for its professional instructors and focus on marine conservation, offering courses and guided dives.
  • Nemo Divers (Qeshm Island): A family-friendly dive center with experienced instructors, catering to all levels and offering boat trips and shore dives.
  • Chabahar Dive Center (Chabahar): Pioneering diving in the Makran Coast, this center offers courses, guided dives, and exploration of this emerging diving destination.

Choosing the right location and school:

  • Experience level: Consider your diving experience and choose locations and schools suitable for your skills and comfort.
  • Interests: Some areas are known for specific marine life or features, so choose based on your interests (coral reefs, wrecks, specific fish species).
  • Facilities and services: Consider the school’s equipment quality, instructor qualifications, safety protocols, and available courses and dive trips.
  • Local support: Choose schools with good recommendations and local connections for a smoother experience.


  • Regulations: Familiarize yourself with Iranian diving regulations regarding permits, dive locations, and marine life protection.
  • Seasonality: Diving conditions vary throughout the year. Choose the best season for your desired location and experience.
  • Sustainability: Choose eco-friendly schools and practices to minimize your impact on the fragile marine environment.

Explore, embrace the underwater beauty of Iran, and most importantly, enjoy a safe and unforgettable diving experience!

Iran Chabahar Scuba Diving Persian gulf

The Diving and Scuba locations Map

A few Scuba and Diving spots worth visit while in Iran.

Scuba diving in Persian gulf

Kish island

Scuba diving in Kish Island offers a unique opportunity to explore the underwater world of the Persian Gulf, with its rich marine biodiversity and stunning coral formations. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced diver, Kish Island provides an exciting and memorable diving experience in Iran…

diving kish scuba iran

Scuba diving in Persian gulf

Qeshm Island

Qeshm Island, located in the Persian Gulf, is a popular destination for scuba diving enthusiasts in Iran. The island offers unique underwater landscapes, vibrant coral reefs, and a variety of marine life to explore. Scuba diving on Qeshm Island provides a unique opportunity to explore Iran’s underwater treasures, from vibrant coral gardens to fascinating cave systems. Whether you’re a seasoned diver or a beginner, Qeshm offers a memorable diving experience in the pristine waters of the Persian Gulf

Qeshm Iran scuba diving Persian Gulf

Scuba diving in Persian gulf

Hormuz Island

Hormuz Island, located at the entrance to the Persian Gulf in Iran, is a growing destination for scuba diving enthusiasts seeking to explore its vibrant underwater world. 

Qeshm Iran scuba diving Persian Gulf

Scuba diving in the Gulf of Oman

Chabahar port

Chabahar, located on the southeastern coast of Iran along the Persian Gulf, is becoming an increasingly popular destination for scuba diving enthusiasts. The region boasts clear waters, diverse marine life, and underwater landscapes waiting to be explored. Chabahar’s emerging reputation as a scuba diving destination in Iran is based on its underwater beauty and the chance to explore relatively uncharted waters. Diving in Chabahar offers a unique opportunity to discover the Persian Gulf’s marine ecosystems and underwater wonders while enjoying a less crowded and more authentic diving experience. 
Iran Chabahar Scuba Diving Persian gulf

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